Calvert County Public Schools and Calvert County Government Documents


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These are invoices showing double prescription insurance payments by CCPS to Carefirst/Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and Express Scripts/Keenan and Associates. The Express Scripts and Keenan and Associates expenses were mainly to supply former Sheriff Mike Evans’ drug ring. Some CCPS staff received this insurance too, but that was only for cover.
There are many local medical providers, beyond and other than CCPS Staff, who received free health and prescription insurance from BCBS, in exchange for prescribing for the drug ring. Check out the shortfalls for Express Scripts, which means the insurance was being excessively used. This insurance, for 5,000 people/mo., is ~5.5% of the County’s population. These invoices also provide proof that some payments for this insurance came from FUND 7, which under Daniel D. Curry was a hidden multimillion dollar slush fund about which CCPS has lied in court and said didn’t exist. More recently, I have finally received some of the Fund 7 ledgers I know exist.
Here is more proof of the existence (FINALLY!) of the mysterious Fund 7 – which is somehow hidden in CCPS’ eFinance software from normal expenditure ledgers – and proof CCPS spent over $38 million dollars only to supply former Sheriff Mike Evan’s drug ring. CCPS employees already had and maintained excellent prescription coverage with BCBS. Some staff received Express Scripts insurance as pretense, but the bulk of it supplied Evans’ ring, for 5,000 people per month.

CCPS paid over $38million in 2 years and 2 months for the mail-away prescription pill insurance which supplied former Calvert County Sheriff Mike Evans’ drug ring, around $1.5 million a month. Mike Evans extorted this from former CCPS Superintendent Daniel D. Curry to look the other way on sexual abuse and other crimes being committed against children in the system. It’s not the only thing Evans extorted, either. Healthcare providers all over the County have prescribed for this ring in exchange for free health insurance CCPS funded, too. ONE hidden fund/account is Fund 7, L4996303, which Daniel D. Curry abused as a slush fund. Keenan and Associates was the middleman for mail-away prescription insurance ExpressScripts.

Proof then-School Safety Specialist Larry Titus escorted a pedophile (Andrew Gerber) who pled guilty to molesting one or more children under the age of 12, through the schools, for a surveillance camera bid. While Gerber is not on the sex offender registry, he is in the MD Judiciary Case Search. Why do ledgers prove CCPS payed GTechnologies/Gerber so many times more than the ~$35,000 he bid? This was an IDIQ bid (Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery) contract. Moreover, this bid was rigged, which is a crime. Where were those cameras installed, and why was the contract transferred to another vendor, per Mr. Gerber’s recommendation, not long after he hid $700,000 overseas and went for Chapter 7? The bid file for this installation is very interesting. St. Mary’s County also hired GTechnologies for a few IDIQ bids, back when Michael Martirano was Superintendent down there.